Coaching for Community Connection


What is Coaching for Community Connection?

Coaching for Community Connection is a process and experience where Jessie coaches one or more community entities who want to build their relationships with community members or other community entities. 

Why is Coaching for Community Connection so Important and Valuable?

We are living in a time of great change.  People are realigning with their personal values and that has an impact on where they live, work, and how they participate in their communities. Jessie has experience supporting individuals and groups in developing practices that support regulation and mindful awareness which in turn builds capacity for connection and compassion.

Many organizations and community institutions such as schools, mental health, healthcare organizations, churches, and legal and judicial systems are impacted by these changes.  During this time of realignment and transition these organizations are experiencing work shortages and the need to rethink how they organize both their leadership and management systems, as well as how they align those systems economically.

 In order to  increase an inclusive and connected sense of community that feels safe psychologically and emotionally, it is important to support the use of language that creates a sense of connection, empathy and compassion.

“Language is the portal to connection”


“Language shapes our future” Brenè Brown

When individuals feel heard, and the language people use resonates with their intentions and values, the mind and heart open for connection. 

Many, if not all, communities have been impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic over the past couple of years.  In addition, there has been a significant amount of trauma for communities who have lost lives and seen businesses close, people move, and housing become a challenge.  These events cause a stress response which impacts the ability to have a sense of safety which in turn impacts the ability of the mind and brain to work effectively and access problem solving capability. 

When Coaching for Community Connection, Jessie can be the ears and language shaper that helps participants recognize when the language they are using is divisive or counter productive.  She helps the group develop a common goal to explore, generate and share meaningful intentions which create a sense of community.

Communities that are collaborative have more opportunities to be creative, overcome challenges and feel empowered when change is needed.  Connection comes when conversations are balanced, all parties are curious, and can relate to each other.

When and for whom is this service impactful?

When forming or reorganizing a board for your organization, non for profit, school board, select board, or church council, it is important to build relationships between and amongst the board, the employees, and the community being served. 

Where is it available?

Jessie is available to come and attend in person gatherings or meet virtually. *

What does this Investment Cost and Include?

You can contact Jessie and she will build a program that meets your needs and reflects the value of the outcome you desire.

A complete program typically includes the following 7 sessions:

Initial Gathering of 2 hours. Jessie will outline a series of questions and gather information about the groups current mission, desired changes, obstacles, necessary resources and relationships.

2. A series of 6 group coaching sessions of 2 hours each will be provided.

Session 1. Support for the group in understanding the importance of telling their stories and how they view relationships with others.

Session 2.  Time to share personal stories and have connecting conversations about their stories.

Session 3.  Identify additional relationships that are important to the organization.

 Session 4.  Develop plans to co-create and develop the relationships with the other organizations.

Session 5.  Time to review how relationships are impacting the mission and vision of the organization as well as the individuals involved. Celebrate the outcomes and identify the future relationship building needs.

Session 6.  Design a plan for building these relating practices into the organization for future sustainability. 

*Travel arrangements will be determined with each contract

I recently asked Coaches in a Group Coaching Event I offered, “what is the value of the coaching I offered?” Here is one response…

Jessie is exceptionally insightful and thoughtful in her approach to coaching and is a role model to me and other coaches. She is a champion for the process of self-discovery through powerful questions and reflection. She has the gift of patience and caring and provides her clients with the space and time needed to support the process of revelation and healing.